We're not ghosting you. How to make sure we end up in your inbox.

We've recently heard from some Skimm'rs that our side of the bed's been cold (aka we’ve been going to your “promotions” tab in Gmail). We haven't walked out. Promise. Here's how to make sure we end up in your inbox...

If you read us on your phone...

add us to your primary inbox by hitting the "Kabob," yes that's what it's called, in the upper righthand corner. Then click "move to," and select "primary." Easy. See GIF below.

Step one: kabob. Step two: 'Move to'. Step three: 'Primary'

If you read us on your computer...

all you have to do is drag the Daily Skimm from the "promotions tab" to the "primary" tab. Takes roughly 3 seconds. Check it out...

Moving your DS from promotions to primary on desktop for Gmail subs