Money·2 min read

Soccer Superstar Sam Mewis’s Advice for Bringing a Winning Attitude to Work

Soccer player Sam Mewis
March 7, 2024

World Cup champion, Olympic bronze medalist, and National Women’s Soccer League star, Sam Mewis’s soccer career is full of highlights. Now retired from the game, she’s editor-in-chief of The Women's Game at the Men in Blazers Media Network where she covers all things women’s soccer, including hosting a podcast. Thankfully, when it comes to winning at work, so many lessons are the same on and off the field, from learning from your mistakes to being persistent. Here’s Mewis’s advice for how to always bring your A game. Loading Spinner

Advice for what to do when you…


Identify what went wrong, and how your thinking led you to a mistake. Write it down and dedicate time to thinking about it. Make a plan for your new approach and move on.

Feel stuck...

This might not be your ideal situation right now, but are you building to a situation that would be ideal in the future? If it's worth the work, keep going.

Need a confidence boost…

Change your routine. Work out. Make a to-do list. Connect with someone socially. Go for a walk and listen to pump-up music.

Are nearing burnout... 

Delegate, take a mental health break, put in for time off, and book a friggen’ trip. Work isn't more important than your life.

Want to unwind after a stressful day... 

Cuddle the dog! Nothing makes me forget about stress like my little buddy, Finn.

Get your paycheck... 

Save for retirement.

Answers are edited and condensed for clarity.

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